Friday, March 15, 2013


I love lists because even more than I like making them, I love checking things off.  Last week, I made a short list of goals, and I'm happy to say that I am making progress on the gardening front.  Here's a few highlights:

Sniffing my jasmine one last time... and then hacking it down with all the rest of my dead plants:

I'm sorry, plant
The biggest moth I have ever seen in my life:

Fully 3 inches long, ie, monster-sized

If only I could understand Japanese...

Going to Armstrong's Garden Center to research plants for my garden:

Another happy new pot:

Say hello to my one-eyed sunshine...
Gilding terracotta pots (whaaaat??  I did whaaaat??  Yes, I am proud of myself, more on this later):

Not perfect, but I feel like a Martha Stewart genius
Also, after calling a few more wine stores without success, I bought a wine crate online from Wine Pine which I am eagerly awaiting (picture to follow... can't wait!).  Next up, actual plants! 


  1. I remember vaguely about that Japanese moth in a movie. I probably saw that kind of movie once when I was young.
