Saturday, March 2, 2013

Faces of root rot

Oh, how sad it is to watch your plant-child grow as you've nurtured it with sunshine, water, food and caressing of its leaves, only to one day succumb to... ROOT ROT!

Here is Jasmine as a baby:

And here is Jasmine, post root rot attack:


Notice the large chunks of plant that are dying.  Horrible!  And so characteristic of root rot.  Naturally, once I figured out what was going on, I indignantly asked the gardening universe, "What causes root rot??" and discovered (with the help of the internet) that in fact, I am to blame for my damaged plant-baby.  

A few things contribute:
-Poorly draining pots
-Overly heavy soil

And for the science geeks (ie, myself), it's specifically frequently caused by a mold genus called  Phytophthora.  But mostly it's caused by the overwaterers who are happily, unknowingly drowning their plants.  Sadly, there is no cure-- "lethal," says Wikipedia-- and my Jasmine will probably die.  

As a side note, Jasmine has a lifetime warranty on it from Armstrong's Garden Center who will replace it in case of death (all trees and shrubs!  whaaaatt?).  I am far too proud, however, to bring in a plant that I managed to murder after only one year in my care, and instead, will probably wait for it to die-- but hopefully bloom first-- and then replace it with something awesome.

1 comment:

  1. Trial and error are a part of every gardener's menu! Keep trying!
