Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hydrangea heaven

So yesterday, Evan and I threw our second party in the existence of our knowing each other.  The first was for Evan's 30th birthday party a few years ago, and this one was for a very belated 30th birthday party as well as an early graduation party (Evan is being quite gracious in letting me stretch my birthday into a 6 week long affair).  It was quite a success with lots of wine, tacos, and chatting in the house and on our garden patio.  Two of our lovely couple friends brought beautiful hydrangeas, which I have never owned before.  

Madonna once famously said she "loathes hydrangeas".  What a silly woman she is... she  may know how to sing, but her taste in flowers is poor.

Of course, now that I have not one, but two gorgeous hydrangeas, I must plant them.  

Evan:  "Those are really pretty.......  you're not going to try to plant them, are you?"  
me:  <excited> "Of course I am going to plant them!"
Evan:  "Where?"
me:  "Wha--?  In pots!  Outside!"  :)
Evan:  <looking outside>  "Please don't plant those.  I don't think there is enough space.  Just enjoy them inside."
me: <aghast>  "They are living things, I have to plant them.  Otherwise they will die...  I can't let them die!!"
Evan:  <rolls eyes, walks away, pretending to be exasperated>

To me, this seems like the logical conclusion to receiving gift plants.  And Evan is not really upset, because if I did not come to that very obvious conclusion, he would have to ask what alien has taken over his flower loving wife.  Look how pretty they are!!

So hydrangeas, these being Hydrangea macrophylla of the mophead variety, as I have done research to determine, prefer sunlight, but not too much sunlight (ideally morning sunlight and afternoon shade).  They like being quite moist, but not too moist.  They are the Goldilocks of plants.  They are also fairly popular gift plants, and some sources suggest that these "grocery store hydrangeas" are bred to bloom like crazy once to the detriment of their long term health.  Also, they tend to grow very large, with the result that they outgrow pots very quickly (and sadly, I do not have the earth to plant them in yet).  Nevertheless, there are some success stories, and I intend to keep these babies alive as long as I can!

Thank you Juliet + Holden and Mike + Janae for the gorgeous plants!  I love them!

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