Friday, February 15, 2013

Let's be honest

Maybe I should call it...

...Michelle's not so green thumb?

Alright, alright.  I fantasize regularly about one day having a glorious SoCal garden-- lots of vegetables, bursting with flowers, with luscious fruit hanging from leafy trees overhead.  But despite my love of all things living and green, two things hold me back from that:

#1.  I only have a patio at this point, albeit a pretty nice one.

#2.  I tend to kill things.

I like to think that the second problem is a lack of knowledge and practice thing.  My husband would say I rapidly cycle through hobbies and my poor garden get neglected on a cyclical basis, especially if it's cold (and let's be clear, we're talking "LA cold") outside.

Shortcomings aside, this is a new year for gardening and I'm feeling optimistic.  I plan to document my successes and setbacks and everything I learn here, even if only I and my mom are the only ones to ever read it (hi mama!).  

Anyway, since we're talking firsts today, I leave you with one of my first gardens I ever had in LA.  Aww, it's so cute.  Here's to many more!  Yay flowers!


  1. Replies
    1. No, fortunately not-- some I planted in the summer and some I replaced in the fall, but they all died slowly over the winter. :)
